Moth Records for the 31st May 24.
15W Actinic on the terrace, +17.
215 Moths of 48 Species.
Any corrections PLEASE send me a comment on the post, thanks.
10377 new species for the Garden. |
1426 x36,
1525 Plutella xylostella (Diamond backed Moth) x1, 1655
Ethmia bipunctella x32, 2976x 3029 x28, 3757
Sophronia humerella x3, 4855
Epinotia thapsiana x2, 5578
Lamoria anella x1, 5624
Bostra obsoletali x8, 5748a 5898 (Thistle Ermine) x1,
6145 Ematheudes punctella x3, 6599
Pyrausta sanguinalis (Scarce Crimson & Gold) x2, 6604
Pyrausta aurata x2, 6619
Uresiphita gilvata x3, 6690
Palpita vitrealis x4, 6700
Dolicharthria punctalis x2, 6719
Nomophila noctuella (Rush Veneer) x1, 6775
5898 (Thistle Ermine) also new for the Garden.
5748a |
7533 Stegania trimaculata (Dorset Cream Wave) x1, 7581 Neognopharmia stevenaria x2, 7725 Menophra japygiaria (Brassy Waved Umber) x5, 7765 (Lydd Beauty) x1, 8017 Cyclophora puppillaria (Blair's Mocha) x1, 8059 Scopula marginepunctata (Mullein Wave) x6, 8073 x1, 8167 (Satin Wave) x1, 8169 Idaea cervantaria x5, 8211 Rhodometra sacaria (The Vestal) x1, 8246 Orthonama obstipata (The Gem) x4, 8509 Eupithecia centarueata (Lime-speck Pug) x1, 8599 Gymnoscelis rufifasciata (Double-striped Pug) x1, 9100 Acontia lucida (Pale Shoulder) x5, 9341 Aegle vespertinalis x1,
6604 Pyrausta aurata. |
6700 Dolicharthria punctalis. |
9341 Aegle vespertinalis. |
Heliothis armigera (Scarce Bordered Straw) x1, 9425 9433
Caradrina clavipalpis (Pale Mottled Willow) x6, 9454
Hoplodrina ambigua (Vine's Rustic) x
2, 9460
Spodoptera exigua (Small Mottled Willow) x5, 9478 9895
Anarta trifolii (Nutmeg) x3, 10015 10034
loreyi (Cosmopolitan) x4, 10035
Mythimna unipuncta (White Speck) x2, 10238
Peridroma saucia (Pearly Underwing) x1, 10351
Agrotis segetum (Turnip Moth) x1, 10377 x1 and 10535
Crimson Speckled (Utetheisa pulchella) x1.
6145 Ematheudes punctella. |
4855 Epinotia thapsiana. |
8073 . |
8059 Scopula marginepunctata (Mullein Wave). |
8017 Cyclophora puppillaria (Blair's Mocha). |
9895 Anarta trifolii (Nutmeg). |
10034 Mythimna
loreyi (Cosmopolitan). |
10238 Peridroma saucia (Pearly Underwing). |
6775 |
10033 |
9478 |
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