The Outback.
Australia, Day Fifteen.
Splendid Fairywren (Malurus splendens) Male.
Today we were again continuing on North and was mostly a travelling day but before we set off we started the days list with
Willie-wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys),
Pied Butcherbird (Cracticus nigrogularis),
Yellow-throated Miner (Manorina flavigula),
Singing Honeyeater (Gavicalis virescens),
Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen),
White-browed Babbler (Pomatostomus superciliosus),
Western Bowerbird (Chlamydera guttata),
Nankeen Kestrel (Falco cenchroides),
Crested Pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes),
Hooded Robin (Melanodryas cucullata),
Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) and
Camels (Camelus dromedarius).
Australian Bustard (Ardeotis australis) Tracks.
Red Kangaroo (Osphranter rufus). |
We started out adding
Southern Whiteface (Aphelocephala leucopsis),
Sandhill Grasswren (Amytornis striatus oweni) and
Crested Bellbird (Oreoica gutturalis) before we left the dune areas and then in the Mulga scrub we stopped again and found
Splendid Fairywrens (Malurus splendens),
Inland (Acanthiza apicalis) and
Slaty-backed Thornbill (Acanthiza robustirostris),
Red-capped Robin (Petroica goodenovii),
Brown Falcon (Falco berigora),
Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus) and
Mulga Parrot (Psephotus varius).
Splendid Fairywren (Malurus splendens) Female.
Before we reached the better roads we stopped at a water point and added
Pallid Cuckoo (Cacomantis pallidus),
Red-backed Kingfisher (Todiramphus pyrrhopygius),
Black-faced Woodswallow (Artamus cinereus) and
Black-faced Cuckooshrike (Coracina novaehollandiae) before we again continued on towards our stop for the night seeing
Rabbit (Conejo / Oryctolagus cuniculus), Red Kangaroo (Osphranter rufus), Brown Goshawk (Accipiter fasciatus),
Australasian Pipit (Anthus novaeseelandiae),
Chestnut-rumped Thornbill (Acanthiza uropygialis),
Rufous Whistler (Pachycephala rufiventris),
White-winged Fairywren (Malurus leucopterus) and some tracks in the sand of the elusive
Australian Bustard (Ardeotis australis) which was as close as were were going to get during this part of the trip.
Ptilotus exaltatus.
Large White Sunray (Rhodanthe floribunda).
As we passed one of the few occupied areas we saw we called in to the local Water treatment works (Shit Pits) were we scanned the pools adding
Grey Teal (Anas gracilis),
Australasian (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae) and
Hoary-headed Grebe (Poliocephalus poliocephalus),
Budgies (Melopsittacus undulatus) and
Torresian Crow (Corvus orru).