A couple of hours checking out the Local Patch.
Cetti's Warbler (Ruisenor Bastardo / Cettia cetti). |
I drove down to the pools and ditches on the far side of the area and parked on the ditch side edge where I found
Common Stonechat (Tarabilla Común / Saxicola torquata), 30+
Common Waxbills (
Estrilda Ondulada / Estrilda astrild), Bluethroat (
Ruiseñor Pechiazul / Luscinia svecica),
Blackcap (Curruca Capirotada / Sylvia atricapilla),
Kingfisher (Martin Pescador / Alcedo atthis),
Black Redstart (Colirrojo Tizón / Phoenicurus ochruros),
Iberian Magpie (Rabilargo / Cyanopica cooki),
Linnet (Pardillo Común / Carduelis cannabina),
Tree Sparrow (Gorrión Molinero / Passer montanus),
Woodpigeon (Paloma Torcaz / Columba palumbus),
Common Moorhen (Gallineta Común / Gallinulas chloropus),
Cetti's Warbler (Ruisenor Bastardo / Cettia cetti),
White Wagtail (Lavandera Blanca / Montacilla alba),
Song Thrush (Zorzal Común / Turdus philomelos),
Serin (Verdecillo / Serinus serinus),
Robin (Petirrojo Europeo / Erithacus rubecula),
Mistle Thrush (Zorzal Charlo / Turdus viscivorus),
Hoopoe (Abubilla / Upupa epops),
Goldfinch (Jilguero / Carduelis carduelis) and lots of
Common Chiffchaffs (Mosquitero Común / Phylloscopus collybita).
Common Stonechat (Tarabilla Común / Saxicola torquata) female. |
I moved back towards the house and made a second stop along side of the Arroyo Vilano where I found a nice male
Merlin (Esmerejón / Falco columbarius) sat on a field ridge,
Little Owl (Mochuelo Europeo / Athene noctua),
Northern Lapwing (Avefria Europea / Vanellus vanellus), 20+
Stone Curlews (Alcaraván Común / Burhinus oedicnemus), 6
Little Bustards (Sisón Común / Tetrax tetrax),
Common Kestrel (Cernicalo Vulgar / Falco tinnunculus),
Common Magpie (Urraca / Pica pica),
Crested Lark (Cogujada / Galerida cristata),
Meadow Pipit (Bisbita Pratense / Anthus pratensis) and several
Common Chaffinches (Pinzón Vulgar / Fringilla coelebs).
Meadow Pipit (Bisbita Pratense / Anthus pratensis). |
I dropped down to the side of the river near the ford and sat for nearly an hour to see what arrived, as I stopped a
Water Pipit (Bisbita Alpino / Anthus spinoletta) flew up but stayed out of range of the camera but more
Chiffchaffs came close enough as did a
Meadow Pipit and a
White Wagtail.
Black Redstart (Colirrojo Tizón / Phoenicurus ochruros). |
Also seen here were
Spotless Starling (Estornino Negro / Sturnus unicolor),
Hoopoe (Abubilla / Upupa epops),
Grey Wagtail (Lavandera Cascadena / Motacilla cinerea),
Collared Dove (Tórtola Turca / Streptopelia decaocto) and
Blackbird (Mirlo Común / Turdus merula).
Common Chiffchaff (Mosquitero Común / Phylloscopus collybita). |
White Wagtail (Lavandera Blanca / Montacilla alba). |