Saturday, 27 August 2022

Brookfield Conservation Park, Morgan, Along the Murry River at Morgan Conservation Park Camp and Gluepot, South Australia.

A fast moving day with Sue and Dave.
Australia, Day Seventy Three.
Ebird List for Brookfield CP. 
Ebird List for Gluepot.

A very good info board at Broomfield CP.
We were up and out nice and early and were at our first spot Brookfield CP by 06.40, on the way we had seen Australian Magpie (Gymnorhina tibicen), White-winged Chough (Corcorax melanorhamphos) and Australian Ringneck (Barnardius zonarius).
Greater Bluebonnet (Northiella haematogaster) record shot.
Greater Bluebonnet (Northiella haematogaster) an even worse shot.
As soon as we drove into this brilliant spot we picked up a couple of Lifers for me when a fine Greater Bluebonnet (Northiella haematogaster) flew along side the car and the perched in a dead tree, this was soon followed the first of 4 Gilbert's Whistlers (Pachycephala inornata), Brown Treecreeper (Climacteris picumnus), Grey Shrikethrush (Colluricincla harmonica), Grey Butcherbird (Cracticus torquatus), Crested Bellbird (Oreoica gutturalis), Yellow-plumed Honeyeater (Ptilotula ornata), Striated Pardalote (Pardalotus striatus) and Red-capped Robin (Petroica goodenovii).
Gilbert's Whistler (Pachycephala inornata).
Gilbert's Whistler (Pachycephala inornata).
We moved around and made several stops, one was right out on the far side of the reserve where we had brief but nice views of a pair of Chestnut Quail-thrushes (Cinclosoma castanotum), Weebill (Smicrornis brevirostris), Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater (Acanthagenys rufogularis), Jacky-winter (Microeca fascinans) and Yellow-rumped Thornbill (Acanthiza chrysorrhoa).
Hooded Robins (Melanodryas cucullata) male top.
We continued on and came out into a more open area where we had another Greater Bluebonnet, a nice pair of Hooded Robins (Melanodryas cucullata) and a stunning Black-eared Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx osculans) which after hearing it call off in the distance Dave called in, one thing I learnt about Dave is that he has an amazing talent for whistling the calls of the birds and they respond well. 
Black-eared Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx osculans).
Black-eared Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx osculans).
Black-eared Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx osculans).
We continued on around the rest of the Park adding White-browed (Pomatostomus superciliosus) and Chestnut-crowned Babbler (Pomatostomus ruficeps), Crested Pigeon (Ocyphaps lophotes), Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx basalis), Galah's (Eolophus roseicapilla), Red Wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata), Singing Honeyeater (Gavicalis virescens), Southern Whiteface (Aphelocephala leucopsis), Grey Currawong (Strepera versicolor) and Little Raven (Corvus mellori).
Apostlebird (Struthidea cinerea).

Apostlebird (Struthidea cinerea).
Apostlebird (Struthidea cinerea).
Apostlebird (Struthidea cinerea).
We left the CP and drove to the town of Morgan where we were going to call at the bakery but unfortunately it was closed or maybe even shutdown but we still managed to catch up with the target Apostlebird (Struthidea cinerea) which came down to drink from a puddle on the roadside, we only saw 7 but I am sure the other 5 were hanging around somewhere.
Female Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus).
Female Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus).
Male Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus).
Male and Female Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus).
We crossed the Murry River at the end of Morgan High Street just out side the town and drove a short way to Morgan Conservation Park Camp where we parked on the river bank and had some food before searching the area, pretty soon Dave called me over to him when he had found a very smart female Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus) and a short while later another pair flew across from the far side of the river, so I also got good views of a very nice looking Male bird.
Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans).
Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita).
Little Corellas (Cacatua sanguinea).
Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae).
In the same area we picked up Little Corella (Cacatua sanguinea), Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita), Crimson Rosella (Platycercus elegans), Black Swan (Cygnus atratus), Australian Wood Duck (Chenonetta jubata), Australasian Grebe (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae), Welcome Swallow (Hirundo neoxena), Tree Martin (Petrochelidon nigricans), Laughing Kookaburra (Dacelo novaeguineae), Australasian Darter (Anhinga novaehollandiae), my first Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) for SA,  Whistling Kite (Haliastur sphenurus) and we heard but could not see the brilliant Eastern Banjo Frog (Limnodynastes dumerilii) which sounds like a Banjo string being plucked and when there are loads call, well you can imagine.
Spotted Nightjar (Eurostopodus argus).
Spotted Nightjar (Eurostopodus argus).
Southern Scrub-Robin (Drymodes brunneopygia).
Striped Honeyeater (Plectorhyncha lanceolata).
Striped Honeyeater (Plectorhyncha lanceolata).
We moved on again and headed to the Reserve Called Gluepot which I had seen many posts about on Facebook, we had several difficult targets here, Sue and Dave really came up with the birds and I had several Lifers including Striped Honeyeater (Plectorhyncha lanceolata), Southern Scrub-Robin (Drymodes brunneopygia) a bird that had played hard to get up until one sat out nicely, a Spotted Nightjar (Eurostopodus argus) which we flushed whilst I was stalking the Robin but instead of flying straight off it dropped just a few meters away and sat there for about 30 seconds giving us amazing views, White-browed Treecreeper (Climacteris affinis) which we watched from a distance as it was checking out potential nest holes and last of all one of the very few remaining Black-eared Miners (Manorina melanotis).
White-browed Treecreeper (Climacteris affinis).
Black-eared Miner (Manorina melanotis).
Black-eared Miner (Manorina melanotis).
Other species seen in the reserve were Nankeen Kestrel (Falco cenchroides), Common Bronzewing (Phaps chalcoptera), Mulga Parrot (Psephotus varius), Purple-backed Fairywren (Malurus assimilis), White-fronted Honeyeater (Purnella albifrons), Chestnut-rumped Thornbill (Acanthiza uropygialis), Varied Sittella (Daphoenositta chrysoptera), Rufous Whistler (Pachycephala rufiventris) and Central Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps).
Central Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps).
We left the reserve and headed for our hotel in Waikerie and after settling into our very nice rooms we had something to eat and drink and talked birds for a while, later I went to bed, Knackered but happy.

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