A walk along Cartuna Beach checking the Kentish Population and the searching for Swifts Later.
Ebird List
Cartuna Beach. Ebird List
Playa de La Rijana.
Bonelli's Eagle (Aguila Perdicera / Aquila faciatus). |
I met Juan Perez at the usual meeting place and we walked the length of the beach checking on the
Kentish Plover (Chorlitejo Patinegro / Charadrius alexandrinus) population, we were very pleased to not find any new nests as the beach was getting much busier.
Bonelli's Eagle (Aguila Perdicera / Aquila faciatus). |
During the walk we saw
Kentish Plover x13,
Shag (Cormorán Mondudo / Phalacrocorax aristotelis) x8,
Audouin's Gull (Gaviota de Audouin / Larus audouinii) x11 along with other species. |
Red-rumped Swallow (Golondrina Dáurica / Hirundo daurica). |
We moved on along the coast to check a couple of spots for the uncommon White-rumped Swift (Vencejo Cafre / Apus caffer), we reached the first spot and spent a while scanning the area around two sections of the bridges that carries the main A7 motorway. At this site we didn't see and White-rumped Swifts but had views of a family party of Bonelli's Eagle (Aguila Perdicera / Aquila faciatus), 2x adults and 2x immature. |
Red-rumped Swallow (Golondrina Dáurica / Hirundo daurica). |
Our last stop was at a very busy Playa de la Rijana where again we didn't see any White-rumped Swifts but we did see both Alpine (Vencejo Real / Apus melba) and Pallid Swifts (Vencejo Pálido /Apus pallidus) along with Red-rumped Swallows (Golondrina Dáurica / Hirundo daurica), Black Wheatear (Collalba Negra / Oenanthe leucura) and European Bee-eater (Abejaruco Común / Merops apiaster).
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