Moth Count.
9288 Amephana aurita. |
After a few days not running the trap for one reason or another I set it up on the lower terrace and had some interesting (for me anyway) species.
7725 Menophora japygiaria (Brassy Waved Umber). |
These included 0557
Infurcitinea atrifasciella x1, 0689
Niditinea fuscella x1, 3029
Dysspastus fallax x4, 6700
Dolicharthria punctalis x2, 7725
Menophora japygiaria (Brassy Waved Umber) x1,
8059 Scopula marginepunctata (Mullein Wave) x1, 8246 Orthonama obstipata (The Gem) x1, 9140
Eublemma ostrina (Purple Marbled) x1, 9288
Amephana aurita x1, 9454
Hoplodrina ambigua (Vine's Rustic) x
3, 9569 Agrochola lota (Red-line Quaker) x1,
9140 Eublemma ostrina (Purple Marbled). |
0689 Niditinea fuscella. |
3029 Dysspastus fallax. |
Isophrictis species. |
6700 Dolicharthria punctalis. |
8246 Orthonama obstipata (The Gem). |
9569 Agrochola lota (Red-line Quaker). |
8059 Scopula marginepunctata (Mullein Wave). |
3029 Dysspastus fallax. |
0557 Infurcitinea atrifasciella. |
9454 Hoplodrina ambigua (Vine's Rustic). |
??????????? |
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