Friday 18 September 2020

El Temple and the Cacín Valley, Granada Province Spain.

Out on the far side of the Patch.
Common Kestrel (Cernicalo Vulgar / Falco tinnunculus).
Around the house I started the list with House Sparrow (Gorrión Común / Passer domesticus), Collared Dove (Tórtola Turca / Streptopelia decaocto), Woodpigeon (Paloma Torcaz / Columba palumbus), White Wagtail (Lavandera Blanca / Montacilla alba), Spotless Starling (Estornino Negro / Sturnus unicolor), Crested Lark (Cogujada / Galerida cristata), Greenfinch (Verderón Común / Carduelis chloris) and Jackdaw (Grajilla / Corvus monedula).
Honey Buzzard (Aberjero Europeo / Pernis apivorus).

I met Kate and Jim and we headed along the motorway towards Granada and the out to La Malaha where we went out on to an area of fields where we saw the first of a pair of Black-winged Kites (Elanio Común / Elanus caeruleus) but as it was quite windy we saw little else so we moved on to the larger area of fields nearby.
Honey Buzzard (Aberjero Europeo / Pernis apivorus).

As we drove onto the area we had a couple of Black Kites (Milano Negro / Milvus migrans), Common Buzzard (Busardo Ratonero / Buteo buteo), Montagu's (Aguilucho Cenizo / Circus pygargus) and 3x  Marsh Harrier (Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental / Circus aeruginosus) and Common Kestrel (Cernicalo Vulgar / Falco tinnunculus).
Honey Buzzard (Aberjero Europeo / Pernis apivorus).

None Raptor species included Calandra (Calandria / Melanocorypha calandra), Thekla (Cogujada Montesina / Galerida theklae) and Greater Short-toed Lark (Terrera Común / Calandrella brachydactyla), Northern Wheatear (Collalba Gris / Oenanthe oenanthe), Tawny Pipit (Bisbita Camprstre / Anthus campestris), Western Yellow Wagtails (Lavandera Boyera / Motacilla flava), Barn Swallow (Golondrina Común / Hirundo rustica), House Martin (Avión Común / Delichon urbica), Serin (Verdecillo / Serinus serinus), both Iberian Grey (Alcaudón Real Meridional / Lanius meridionalis) and Woodchat Shrike (Alcaudón Común / Lanius senator) and lots of Bath Whites (Pontia daplidice).
Honey Buzzard (Aberjero Europeo / Pernis apivorus).
We moved up onto the next hillside and checked the fields there finding Lesser Kestrel (Cernicola Primilla / Falco naumanni), Hoopoe (Abubilla / Upupa epops), Golden Eagle (Águila Real / Aquila chrysaetos), Common Magpie (Urraca / Pica pica) and a very smart Honey Buzzard (Aberjero Europeo / Pernis apivorus) which flew right over our heads.
Honey Buzzard (Aberjero Europeo / Pernis apivorus).

We left the El Temple area and drove across to Cacín and as we dropped down into the village we stopped again and had plenty of the usually uncommom Desert Orange-tips (Colotis evagore) around several areas of Wild Caper (Capparis spinosa).
Desert Orange-tip (Colotis evagore) Male.
We had a stop for coffee in Cacín village before driving up the valley to the Embalse where we parked and scanned the lake seeing good numbers of birds including
Eurasian Coot (Focha Común / Fulica atra), Common Moorhen (Gallineta Común / Gallinulas chloropus), Water Rail (Rascón Europeo / Rallus aquaticus) which was calling fro the reededs, Mallard (Anade Azulón / Anas platyrhynchos), Common Pochard (Porrón Común / Aythya ferina), Eurasian Teal (Cerceta Común / Anas crecca), Northern Shoveler (Pato Cuchara / Anas clypeata) and Grey Heron (Garza Real / Ardea cinerea).
Desert Orange-tip (Colotis evagore) Female.

On the margins and in the skies we saw European Bee-eater (Abejaruco Común / Merops apiaster) x23, Crag (Avión Roquero / Ptyonoprogne rupestris), House (Avión Común / Delichon urbica) and Sand Martin (Avión Zapador / Riparia riparia), Barn Swallow (Golondrina Común / Hirundo rustica), Common Chaffinch (Pinzón Vulgar / Fringilla coelebs), White Wagtail (Lavandera Blanca / Montacilla alba), Kingfisher (Martin Pescador / Alcedo atthis) and a soaring Sparrowhawk (Gavilán Común / Accipiter nisus).
Desert Orange-tip (Colotis evagore) Male displaying to a Female.

We moved further up the valley and checked the cliffs below Moreleda where we added Thekla Lark (Cogujada Montesina / Galerida theklae), Serin (Verdecillo / Serinus serinus), Sardinian Warbler (Curruca Cabecinegra / Sylvia melanocephala), Great Tit (Carbonera Común / Parus major) and Rock Dove (Paloma Bravía / Columba livia).
Desert Orange-tip (Colotis evagore) Mating pair.

From here we took the new road down to the Motorway junction and then took the service road to Balsa de Regidor finding just Violet Dropwing (Trithemis annulata) and Lesser Emperor (Anax parthenope) still on the wing.
Desert Orange-tip (Colotis evagore) Male underwing.

On the lake we found Little (Garceta Común / Egreeta garzetta) and Western Cattle Egret (Garcilla Bueyera / Bubulcus ibis), Common Sandpiper (Andarrios Chico / Actitis hypoleucos) and Cetti's Warbler (Ruisenor Bastardo / Cettia cetti).
Desert Orange-tip (Colotis evagore) Female underwing.

Further along the service road we stopped again at another spot for the Desert Orange-tip and took loads more photographs of these cracking little insects before heading back. In the same area we also had Crimson Speckled (Utetheisa pulchella) Moth and Large Psammodromus (Psammodromus algirus).
Crimson Speckled (Utetheisa pulchella).
Large Psammodromus (Psammodromus algirus).

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