Granada Wildlife's Tour of Eastern Andalucia and beyond.
Day Six of Eleven, From one extreme (Deserts of Almeria) to another (Wetlands of Daimiel).
A happy Nick after seeing the Trumpeter Finches. |
We started the day with a drive from our super accommodation near to San Jose in Almeria heading north through the desert like lands to a spot just off the motorway where we parked and had a walk through some of the dry ramblers looking for
Trumpeter Finches (Camachuelo Trompetero / Bucanetes githagineus), we soon started to add good species including
Common Whitethroat (Curruca Zarcera / Sylvia communis),
Black (Collalba Negra / Oenanthe leucura) and
Black-eared Wheatears (Collalba Rubia / Oenanthe hispanica),
Thekla Lark (Cogujada Montesina / Galerida theklae),
House Sparrow (Gorrión Común / Passer domesticus),
Red-rumped Swallow (Golondrina Dáurica / Hirudo daurica),
Common Kestrel (Cernicalo Vulgar / Falco tinnunculus) and then the target species, a pair of stunning
Trumpeter Finches.
Kohlrauschia velutina. |
They showed very well for the group but they were eventually flushed by the
Common Kestrel which flew across the spot. I also saw quite a lot of
Allium sphaerocephalon,
Large White (Pieris brassicae),
Clouded Yellow (Colias croceus) and
Bath White (Pontia daplidice).
Corn Flower (Centaurea depressa). |
We made our way back to the van and refueled before setting off north for the longish drive to Tablas, on the way we stopped off at a site near to Guadix and drove along a route which eventually bought us out on the northern stretch of the Murcia motorway.
Allium sphaerocephalon, |
On the is drive we stopped a couple of times, the first was at a roadside pool where we had two
Stock Doves (Paloma Zurita / Columba oenas) disappear into the distance, several
Woodpigeons (Paloma Torcaz / Columba palumbus),
Raven (Cuervo / Corvus corax),
Common (Vencejo Común / Apus apus) and
Pallid Swifts (Vencejo Pálido /Apus pallidus),
Crag Martins (Avión Roquero / Ptyonoprogne rupestris), 2x
Common Buzzards (Busardo Ratonero / Buteo buteo) which were mobbing a passing
Short-toed Eagle (Culebrera Europeo / Circaetus gallicus),
Carrion Crow (Corneja Negra / Corvus corone),
Linnet (Pardillo Común / Carduelis cannabina),
European Bee-eater (Abejaruco Común / Merops apiaster),
Rock Sparrow (Gorrión Chillón / Petronia petronia),
Serin (Verdecillo / Serinus serinus) and
Greenfinch (Verderón Común / Carduelis chloris).
Grasslands near Guadix. |
Further round the site we made a stop to look at some wild flowers in a fallow field including
Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas),
Prickly Poppy (Papaver argenone),
Corn Flower (Centaurea depressa),
Roemeria hybrida,
Red-horned Poppy (
Glaucium corniculatum), Kohlrauschia velutina, Hypecoum imberbe, Eruca (Eruca sativa) and
Crown Daisy (Chrysanthemum carinatum var discolor).
Roller (Carraca / Coracias garrulus). |
Further on again we came to some old buildings and some very old and rough Poplar trees and found
Jackdaw (Grajilla / Corvus monedula),
Roller (Carraca / Coracias garrulus) and
Common Magpie (Urraca / Pica pica).
Sorry Mike. |
Our last stop was to watch another couple of
Rollers, one sat in a poplar with some
Jackdaws and another sat on a roadside rock pile.
Pams wonderful picture she did whilst at Tablas. |
We got back on to the motorway and continued on seeing
Zitting Cisticola (Buitrón / Cisticola juncidis),
Crested Lark (Cogujada / Galerida cristata),
Corn Bunting (Triguero / Emberiza calandra),
Collared Dove (Tórtola Turca / Streptopelia decaocto),
Barn Swallow (Golondrina Común / Hirundo rustica),
Hoopoe (Abubilla / Upupa epops) and
Iberian Magpie (Rabilargo / Cyanopica cooki) on the way.
Pam at work in Tablas. |
We arrived at Tablas with enough time to have a couple of hours looking around the boardwalks which were just superb, during the walk we added
Little (Zampullín Común / Tachybaptus ruficollis) and
Great Crested Grebes (Somormujo Lavanco / Podiceps cristatus),
Bearded Tit (Reedling) (Bigotudo / Panurus biarmicus), Penduline Tit (Pájaro Moscón / Remiz pendulinus),
Savi's (Buscarla Unicolor / Locustella luscinoides),
Reed (Carricero Común / Acrocephalus scrpaceus),
Great Reed (Carricero Tordal / Acrocephalus arundinaceus),
Western Olivaceous (Zarcero Pálido Occidental / Hippolais opaca) and
Cetti's Warblers (Ruisenor Bastardo / Cettia cetti),
Red-crested (Pato Colorado / Netta rufina) and
Common Pochard (Porrón Común / Aythya ferina),
Mallard (Anade Azulón / Anas platyrhynchos),
Greylag Geese (Ansar Común / Anser anser),
Eurasian Coot (Focha Común / Fulica atra),
Great White Egrets (Garceta Grande / Egretta alba). |
Common Moorhen (Gallineta Común / Gallinulas chloropus),
Western Cattle (Garcilla Bueyera / Bubulcus ibis),
Little (Garceta Común / Egreeta garzetta) and
Great White Egrets (Garceta Grande / Egretta alba),
Night (Marinete Común / Nycticorax nycticorax),
Grey (Garza Real / Ardea cinerea) and
Purple Herons (Garza Imperial / Ardea purpurea),
Nightingale (Ruisenor Común / Luscinia megarhynchos),
Goldfinch (Jilguero / Carduelis carduelis),
Sand (Avión Zapador / Riparia riparia) and
House Martins (Avión Común / Delichon urbica),
Spotless Starling (Estornino Negro / Sturnus unicolor),
White Stork (Ciguena Blanca / Ciconia ciconia),
Marsh Harrier (Aguilucho Lagunero Occidental / Circus aeruginosus) and
Red-veined Darter (Sympetrum fonscolombii) and
Lesser Emperor (Anax parthenope) before we headed into Daimiel to our Hotel for the next two nights.
Corn Bunting (Triguero / Emberiza calandra). |
Red-crested Pochard (Pato Colorado / Netta rufina). |
Red-crested Pochard (Pato Colorado / Netta rufina). |
Red-crested Pochard (Pato Colorado / Netta rufina). |
Red-crested Pochard (Pato Colorado / Netta rufina). |
Red-crested Pochard (Pato Colorado / Netta rufina). |
Greylag Geese (Ansar Común / Anser anser). |
Watching a Penduline Tit nest building. |
Purple Heron (Garza Imperial / Ardea purpurea). |
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