A walk back from the Garage in Huétor Tajar to the house across the fields.
I dropped the car off for a service and decided to walk back to the house across the tracks and fields, along the road between the town and the railway bridge I started off with Spotless Starling (Estornino Negro / Sturnus unicolor), 35x Little Bustards (Sisón Común / Tetrax tetrax), Stone Curlew (Alcaraván Común / Burhinus oedicnemus), Meadow Pipit (Bisbita Pratense / Anthus pratensis), Crested Lark (Cogujada / Galerida cristata), White (Lavandera Blanca / Montacilla alba) and Grey Wagtails (Lavandera Cascadena / Motacilla cinerea), Black Redstart (Colirrojo Tizón / Phoenicurus ochruros), Blackbird (Mirlo Común / Turdus merula), Mistle Thrush (Zorzal Charlo / Turdus viscivorus), Serin (Verdecillo / Serinus serinus), Greenfinch (Verderón Común / Carduelis chloris), Goldfinch (Jilguero / Carduelis carduelis), Woodpigeon (Paloma Torcaz / Columba palumbus), Collared Dove (Tórtola Turca / Streptopelia decaocto), Common Stonechat (Tarabilla Común / Saxicola torquata) and Iberian Magpie (Rabilargo / Cyanopica cooki).
On the far side of the railway line I soon added Common Starling (Estornino Pinto / Sturnus vulg aris), Zitting Cisticola (Buitrón / Cisticola juncidis), Tree (Gorrión Molinero / Passer montanus) and House Sparrow (Gorrión Común / Passer domesticus), Common Chiffchaff (Mosquitero Común / Phylloscopus collybita), Sardinian Warbler (Curruca Cabecinegra / Sylvia melanocephala), Blackcap (Curruca Capirotada / Sylvia atricailla) and Cattle Egret (Garcilla Bueyera / Bubulcus ibis).
On the track along side the Arroyo Vilano I found Common Moorhen (Gallineta Común / Gallinulas chloropus), Common Magpie (Urraca / Pica pica), Dartford (Curruca Rabilarga / Sylvia undata) and Cetti's Warblers (Ruisenor Bastardo / Cettia cetti) and Skylark (Alondra Común / Alauda arvensis).
Along the last stretch of the walk from the Bar to house I boosted the list by seeing Corn Bunting (Triguero / Emberiza calandra), Common Chaffinch (Pinzón Vulgar / Fringilla coelebs), Robin (Petirrojo Europeo / Erithacus rubecula), Great Tit (Carbonera Común / Parus major), Hoopoe (Abubilla / Upupa epops), Short-toed Treecreeper (Agateador Común / Certhia brachydactyla), Song Thrush (Zorzal Común / Turdus philomelos), Northern Lapwing (Avefria Europea / Vanellus vanellus), Jackdaw (Grajilla / Corvus monedula) and Thekla Lark (Cogujada Montesina / Galerida theklae).
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