Moth Trapping with Dave Grundy.
Day six, 105 Moths of 52 Species.
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With all the traps back at home and a warmer night we did quite well in the garden.
0321 Pseudopestega chalcopepla. |
Moths species seen were 0321
Pseudopestega chalcopepla x2, 0469
Crassicornella agenjoi x1, 0489
Reisserata chrysopterella x1, 0663
Trichophaga bipartiella x1, 0671
Tinea pellionella x1, 0687
Tinea trinotella x1, 1361
Zelleria oleastrella x1, 1525
Plutella xylostella (Diamond backed Moth) x17, 1648
Ethmia terminella x1, 1655
Ethmia bipunctella x4, 3029
Dysspastus fallax x2, 3498
Mirificarma eburnella x1, 3757
Sophronia humerella x1, 3798
Aproaerema anthyllidella x1, 3819
Mesohleps trinotella 1, 4166
Dyspessa ulula x1, 4855
Epinotia thapsiana x5, 5578
Lamoria anella x2, 5615
Synaphe lorquinalis x1, 5624
Pyralis obsoletalis x6, 5864
Acrobasis obliqua x2, 5993
Euzophera pinguis concolorella x1, 6184
Eudonia angustia x3,
Evergestis frumentalis x1, 6531
Udea ferrugalis (Rusty Dot Pearl) x3, 6700
Dolicharthria punctalis x1, 6719
Nomophila noctuella (Rush Veneer) x1, 7504
Watsonalla uncinula x1, 7533
Stegania trimaculata (Dorset Cream Wave) x1, 7765
Peribatodes manuelarius manuelarius (Lydd Beauty) x1, 7806
Adactylotis gesticularia x1, 8073
Scopula minorata x1, 8167
Idaea subsericeata (Satin Wave) x3, 8169
Idaea cervantaria x5, 8175
Idaea eugeniata x1, 8189
Idaea degeneraria (Portland Ribbon Wave) x5, 8211
Rhodometra sacaria (The Vestal) x1, 8246
Orthonama obstipata (The Gem) x2, 8599
Gymnoscelis rufifasciata (Double-striped Pug) x1, 9142
Eublemma parva (Small Marbled) x2, 9367
Heliothis peltigera (Bordered Straw) x1, 9425
Caradrina proxima x3, 9433
Caradrina clavipalpis (Pale Mottled Willow) x1, 9435
Caradrina noctivaga x1, 9436
Caradrina flavirena x1, 9454
Hoplodrina ambigua (Vine's Rustic) x1, 9460
Spodoptera exigua (Small Mottled Willow) x2, 9895
Anarta trifolii (Nutmeg) x1, 10029
Mythimna scirpi x1, 10346
Agrotis ipsilon (Dark Sword-grass) x1, 10493
Eilema caniola (Hoary Footman) x3and 10528
Utetheisa pulchella (Speckled Footman) x1.
9142 Eublemma parva (Small Marbled). |
8599 Gymnoscelis rufifasciata (Double-striped Pug). |
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