Red-rumped Swallow (Golondrina Dáurica / Hirundo daurica). |
Several stops were made along the pines in the Cacin Valley between Moraleda de Zafayona and Embalse de Cacín, Nightingale (Ruisenor Común / Luscinia megarhynchos), Serin (Verdecillo / Serinus serinus) and Goldfinch (Jilguero / Carduelis carduelis) were the commonest species seen and heard. Short-toed Treecreeper (Agateador Común / Certhia brachydactyla) was nesting in a crack in a disused building, Subalpine Warbler (Curruca Cassasquena / Sylvia cantillans), Black Wheatear (Collalba Negra / Oenanthe leucura) and Woodchat Shrike (Alcaudón Común / Lanius senator) were also noted. Further on at the point where the road passes over the Rio Cacin Water Rail (Rascón Europeo / Rallus aquaticus) was heard, Melodious (Zarcero Común / Hippolais polyglotta) and Cetti's Warbler (Ruisenor Bastardo / Cettia cetti), Common Cuckoo (Cuco Común / Cuculus canorus), Red-rumped Swallow (Golondrina Dáurica / Hirundo daurica) and Turtle Dove (Tórtola Europea / Streptopelia turtur) all showed well.
Little Ringed Plover (Chorlitejo Chico / Charadrius dubius). |
On the Lake Little Ringed Plover (Chorlitejo Chico / Charadrius dubius), Green Shank (Archibebe Claro / Tringa nebularia), Common Sandpiper (Andarrios Chico / Actitis hypoleucos), Common Coot (Focha Común / Fulica atra) and Common Pochard (Porrón Europeo / Aythya ferina) were found. In the reeds Eurasian Reed (Carricero Común / Acrocephalus scirpaceus) and Great Reed Warblers (Carricero Tordal / Acrocephalus arundinaceus) scratched away and European Bee-eaters (Abejaruco Común / Merops apiaster), Crag Martins (Avión Roquero / Ptyonoprogne rupestris) and Barn Swallows (Golondrina Común / Hirundo rustica) all feed over head. Just as we were leaving the site a Great Spotted Cuckoo (Crialo Europeo / Clamator glandarius) was seen in an Almond Tree along the road side.
We then moved across to the area near to Zafarraya picking up Short-toed (Terrera Común / Calandrella brchydactyla), Calandra (Calandria / Melanocorypha calandra) and Crested Larks (Cogujada Común / Galerida cristata) on the way. In the Oak woodlands Giant (Himantoglossum robertiana), Sawfly (Ophrys tenthredinifera subsp tenthredinifera) Yellow Bee (Orquídea Abejera / Ophrys lutea), Conical Orchid (Neotinea conica) and Sword-leaved Helleborine (Cephalanthera longifolia) were all in flower. Further along the valley on the way back towards Loja two pairs of Montagu's Harriers (Aguilucho Cenizo / Circus pygargus) were seen displaying over a large cereal crop field.
We then moved across to the area near to Zafarraya picking up Short-toed (Terrera Común / Calandrella brchydactyla), Calandra (Calandria / Melanocorypha calandra) and Crested Larks (Cogujada Común / Galerida cristata) on the way. In the Oak woodlands Giant (Himantoglossum robertiana), Sawfly (Ophrys tenthredinifera subsp tenthredinifera) Yellow Bee (Orquídea Abejera / Ophrys lutea), Conical Orchid (Neotinea conica) and Sword-leaved Helleborine (Cephalanthera longifolia) were all in flower. Further along the valley on the way back towards Loja two pairs of Montagu's Harriers (Aguilucho Cenizo / Circus pygargus) were seen displaying over a large cereal crop field.
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